bitRage Crypto Arbitrage bot
bitRage Crypto Arbitrage bot
bitRage is a triangular intra-exchange crypto arbitrage bot capable of look for opportunities and take advantage of the price imbalances between three cryptocurrency pairs and profit from it.
bitRage will be responsible for scanning all possible pair combinations and fire the most profitable one just to give you an example if you take a closer look at the screenshot you can see BTC-XTZ-USDT right? Ok let me explain you, our crypto arbitrage bot will check if can exploit any combo and give me more BTC at the end of it, so it will buy XTZ with BTC, then will sell XTZ for USDT and finally will buy BTC with USDT and give me roughly 0.1% gain in return, are you following?
OK, that is just one combination to keep it simple, but bitRage will do more than just that, anyways it will check for Market/Limit/CloseSpread and will choose the highest gain possible, that is in one mode, the other method will fire just Market Orders, so you got 2 main choices, 1 is to go for all 3 options, but could end up waiting for an open order or just go for Market Orders but these are harder to find.
bitRage is not just a crypto arbitrage bot
Gunbot is one of the oldest and most actively developed cryptocurrency bots in the crypto sphere and is also the flag product from Gunthy LTD so as you expected bitRage is not alone in this whole operation if at any point a stage fails Gunbot gets notified immediately to cancel orders, check Average Bought Price and ultimately to handle any bag, in this case, any savvy Gunbot user has the tools to take care of that situation either by Averaging Down AKA Double Up or Reversal Trading, or any other way to Handle Bags he chose to use.
There is also another profit-making strategy called bitRage Hedging, in this case, the crypto arbitrage bot will capitalize on the vast library of built-in trading indicators and use PSAR to determine the trend direction and potential reversal then act accordingly by profiting from Bitcoin on the way up and accumulating on a trend reversal, in this case, the PSAR signal will trigger a Stop Loss selling all coins if any at market price and converting any bag into USDT ready to start accumulating cheaper BTC.
I hope you have gathered a good idea of what bitRage, "The Crypto Arbitrage bot" can do if you have any questions or want to stay up to date on Gunthy latest news and developments please visit or contact me personally on Telegram I will be glad to be of some help.
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